Attendance Policy



School District of Philadelphia Attendance/Lateness Policy

Attendance matters, even for our youngest scholars.  For the 2024-2025 academic year, attendance will be taken at the onset of each school day. In our middle school, attendance will also be taken at the beginning and end of each period.

Students are expected to be present in school, every day, on time.  If a child is absent, families are expected to contact the teacher in writing to submit an excuse note. Families can also contact Mrs. Tatiyanna, the secretary, or our SISL, Ms. Jordan, to inform them of absences.

The basic reasons for excused absences are personal illness, death in the family, and other urgent reasons. When your child returns to school after an absence, he/she must bring a signed note from you explaining the absence for it to be excused.

The definition of unexcused (illegal) absence includes unknown reasons for absences, parental neglect, illegal employment, and truancy.

When a student has three (3) days of unexcused absence, not necessarily consecutive, his/her name must be reported to the district truancy officer.
Students having five days of unexcused lateness, not necessarily consecutive, will have his/her names reported to the district’s Truancy Officer.
After nine (9) days of excused absences due to illness, we can only excuse absences with a note from the Doctor. The 9 absences do not need to be consecutive.